Friday, February 28, 2014

Brick Wall Pattern

Original Square 

Applied Pattern 

Capstone Poster Re-Upload

Feb. 28th video responses

Imagination and discovery can lead into many new scientific findings. In this video he used props such as the wheel. 

The second video I watched.. confused me. "the duck says quack, and the chicken says cluck" 
I didn't understand it. It kind of made me mad. TED talks are so good. Why make fun of them? 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Feb.21- Look & Feel Issues

A.) My presentation will be serious.

B.)The colors I will be using will be blue, grey and white. I think I will be using the default font. I will use pictures of eye check-up machines and the eye chart.

C.) My material is more of an awareness. It is research-based.

D.)By stating facts from research and studies.

E.)I will be propose an idea of polarized contact lenses.

Friday, February 14, 2014


That GAP video was really inspirational and motivational. The video was about why it takes so long to reach the level you want to achieve and being creative. It also works with many things in life. Do work and you will choose the gap.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014